Clothes in Russian

Do you need to go and buy clothes using Russian? The below list of Russian clothing names might come in handy. For even more Russian vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Russian at the end of the page.
Shoes in Russian
Underwear in Russian
Other Clothes in Russian
Accessories in Russian

Shoes in Russian

flip-flops in Russian(PL) шлепки (шлё́пки - shljópki)
high heels in Russian(PL) туфли на высоких каблуках (ту́фли на высо́ких каблука́х - túfli na vysókih kablukáh)
trainers in Russian(PL) кроссовки (кроссо́вки - krossóvki)
sandals in Russian(PL) сандалии (санда́лии - sandálii)
leather shoes in Russian(F) кожаная обувь (ко́жаная о́бувь - kózhanaja óbuv')
slippers in Russian(PL) домашние тапочки (дома́шние та́почки - domáshnie tápochki)
football boots in Russian(PL) бутсы (бу́тсы - bútsy)
hiking boots in Russian(PL) треккинговые ботинки (тре́ккинговые боти́нки - trékkingovye botínki)
ballet shoes in Russian(F) балетная обувь (бале́тная о́бувь - balétnaja óbuv')
dancing shoes in Russian(F) танцевальная обувь (танцева́льная о́бувь - tancevál'naja óbuv')

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Underwear in Russian

bra in Russian(M) бюстгальтер (бюстга́льтер - bjustgál'ter)
jogging bra in Russian(M) спортивный бюстгальтер (спорти́вный бюстга́льтер - sportívnyj bjustgál'ter)
panties in Russian(PL) трусики (тру́сики - trúsiki)
underpants in Russian(PL) трусы (трусы́ - trusý)
undershirt in Russian(F) майка (ма́йка - májka)
sock in Russian(M) носок (носо́к - nosók)
pantyhose in Russian(PL) колготки (колго́тки - kolgótki)
pyjamas in Russian(F) пижама (пижа́ма - pizháma)
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Other Clothes in Russian

T-shirt in Russian(F) футболка (футбо́лка - futbólka)
shorts in Russian(PL) шорты (шо́рты - shórty)
trousers in Russian(PL) брюки (брю́ки - brjúki)
jeans in Russian(PL) джинсы (джи́нсы - dzhínsy)
sweater in Russian(M) свитер (сви́тер - svíter)
suit in Russian(M) костюм (костю́м - kostjúm)
dress in Russian(N) платье (пла́тье - plát'e)
coat in Russian(N) пальто (пальто́ - pal'tó)
raincoat in Russian(M) плащ (пла́щ - pláshh)
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Accessories in Russian

glasses in Russian(PL) очки (очки́ - ochkí)
sunglasses in Russian(PL) солнечные очки (со́лнечные очки́ - sólnechnye ochkí)
umbrella in Russian(M) зонтик (зо́нтик - zóntik)
ring in Russian(N) кольцо (кольцо́ - kol'có)
earring in Russian(F) серьга (серьга́ - ser'gá)
wallet in Russian(M) бумажник (бума́жник - bumázhnik)
watch in Russian(PL) часы (часы́ - chasý)
belt in Russian(M) ремень (реме́нь - remén')
handbag in Russian(F) сумка (су́мка - súmka)
scarf in Russian(M) шарф (ша́рф - shárf)
hat in Russian(F) шляпа (шля́па - shljápa)
tie in Russian(M) галстук (га́лстук - gálstuk)

Clothes in Russian

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Russian Vocabulary Books

Learn Russian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Russian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Russian word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Russian words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Russian Vocabulary Book

Russian Vocabulary Book

This Russian vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Russian Flashcards


Russian Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Russian flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Russian Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Russian flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

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