Transportation in Catalan

If you want to get from point A to point B, you need to know how to say certain words like car in Catalan. The list below with transport related Catalan words will help. For even more Catalan vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Catalan at the end of the page.
Vehicles in Catalan
Car Vocabularies in Catalan
Bus & Train in Catalan
Flying in Catalan
Infrastructure in Catalan

Vehicles in Catalan

car in Catalan(M) cotxe (cotxes)
ship in Catalan(M) vaixell (vaixells)
plane in Catalan(M) avió (avions)
train in Catalan(M) tren (trens)
bus in Catalan(M) autobús (autobusos)
tram in Catalan(M) tramvia (tramvies)
subway in Catalan(M) metro (metros)
helicopter in Catalan(M) helicòpter (helicòpters)
yacht in Catalan(M) iot (iots)
ferry in Catalan(M) ferri (ferris)
bicycle in Catalan(F) bicicleta (bicicletes)
taxi in Catalan(M) taxi (taxis)
lorry in Catalan(M) camió (camions)

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Car Vocabularies in Catalan

tyre in Catalan(M) pneumàtic (pneumàtics)
steering wheel in Catalan(M) volant (volants)
horn in Catalan(M) clàxon (clàxons)
battery in Catalan(F) bateria (bateries)
seatbelt in Catalan(M) cinturó de seguretat (cinturons de seguretat)
diesel in Catalan(M) gasoil (gasoils)
petrol in Catalan(F) gasolina (gasolines)
dashboard in Catalan(M) panell d'instruments (panells d'instruments)
airbag in Catalan(M) coixí de seguretat (coixins de seguretat)
motor in Catalan(M) motor (motors)
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Bus & Train in Catalan

bus stop in Catalan(F) parada d'autobús (parades d'autobús)
train station in Catalan(F) estació de tren (estacions de tren)
timetable in Catalan(M) horari (horaris)
minibus in Catalan(M) minibus (minibusos)
school bus in Catalan(M) autobús escolar (autobusos escolars)
platform in Catalan(F) andana (andanes)
locomotive in Catalan(F) locomotora (locomotores)
steam train in Catalan(M) tren de vapor (trens de vapor)
high-speed train in Catalan(M) tren d'alta velocitat (trens d'alta velocitat)
ticket office in Catalan(F) taquilla (taquilles)
railtrack in Catalan(F) via fèrria (vies fèrries)

Flying in Catalan

airport in Catalan(M) aeroport (aeroports)
emergency exit in Catalan(F) sortida d'emergència (sortides d'emergència)
wing in Catalan(F) ala (ales)
engine in Catalan(M) motor (motors)
life jacket in Catalan(F) armilla salvavides (armilles salvavides)
cockpit in Catalan(F) cabina (cabines)
cargo aircraft in Catalan(M) avió de càrrega (avions de càrrega)
glider in Catalan(M) planador (planadors)
economy class in Catalan(F) classe turista (classes turistes)
business class in Catalan(F) classe executiva (classes executives)
first class in Catalan(F) primera classe (primeres classes)
customs in Catalan(F) duana (duanes)

Infrastructure in Catalan

harbour in Catalan(M) port (ports)
road in Catalan(F) carretera (carreteres)
motorway in Catalan(F) autopista (autopistes)
petrol station in Catalan(F) benzinera (benzineres)
traffic light in Catalan(M) semàfor (semàfors)
car park in Catalan(M) aparcament (aparcaments)
intersection in Catalan(F) intersecció (interseccions)
car wash in Catalan(M) rentat de cotxes (rentats de cotxes)
roundabout in Catalan(F) rotonda (rotondes)
street light in Catalan(F) llum del carrer (llums del carrer)
pavement in Catalan(M) paviment (paviments)

Transportation in Catalan

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Catalan Vocabulary Books

Learn Catalan - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Catalan - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Catalan word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Catalan words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Catalan Vocabulary Book

Catalan Vocabulary Book

This Catalan vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Catalan Flashcards


Catalan Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Catalan flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Catalan Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Catalan flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

Free Learning Resources