Shopping in Bulgarian

Everyone needs to go shopping at some point. The below Bulgarian shopping words can help you go through the process like a local. For even more Bulgarian vocabularies, take a look at our learning resources for Bulgarian at the end of the page.
Shopping in Bulgarian
Supermarket in Bulgarian
Drugstore Products in Bulgarian

Shopping in Bulgarian

market in Bulgarian(M) пазар (паза́р - pazár)
supermarket in Bulgarian(M) супермаркет (су́пермаркет - súpermarket)
pharmacy in Bulgarian(F) аптека (апте́ка - aptéka)
furniture store in Bulgarian(M) мебелен магазин (ме́белен магази́н - mébelen magazín)
shopping mall in Bulgarian(M) мол (мол - mol)
fish market in Bulgarian(M) рибен пазар (ри́бен паза́р - ríben pazár)
bookshop in Bulgarian(F) книжарница (книжа́рница - knizhárnitsa)
pet shop in Bulgarian(M) зоомагазин (зо́омагазин - zóomagazin)
bar in Bulgarian(M) бар (бар - bar)
restaurant in Bulgarian(M) ресторант (рестора́нт - restoránt)

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Supermarket in Bulgarian

bill in Bulgarian(F) сметка (сме́тка - smétka)
cash register in Bulgarian(M) касов апарат (ка́сов апара́т - kásov aparát)
basket in Bulgarian(F) кошница (ко́шница - kóshnitsa)
shopping cart in Bulgarian(F) количка за пазаруване (коли́чка за пазару́ване - kolíchka za pazarúvane)
bar code in Bulgarian(M) баркод (ба́ркод - bárkod)
shopping basket in Bulgarian(F) пазарска кошница (паза́рска ко́шница - pazárska kóshnitsa)
warranty in Bulgarian(F) гаранция (гара́нция - garántsiya)
milk in Bulgarian(N) мляко (мля́ко - mlyáko)
cheese in Bulgarian(N) сирене (си́рене - sírene)
egg in Bulgarian(N) яйце (яйце́ - yaĭtsé)
meat in Bulgarian(N) месо (месо́ - mesó)
fish in Bulgarian(F) риба (ри́ба - ríba)
flour in Bulgarian(N) брашно (брашно́ - brashnó)
sugar in Bulgarian(F) захар (за́хар - zákhar)
rice in Bulgarian(M) ориз (ори́з - oríz)
bread in Bulgarian(M) хляб (хляб - khlyab)
noodle in Bulgarian(N) фиде (фиде́ - fidé)
oil in Bulgarian(N) олио (о́лио - ólio)
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Drugstore Products in Bulgarian

toothbrush in Bulgarian(F) четка за зъби (че́тка за зъ́би - chétka za zŭ́bi)
toothpaste in Bulgarian(F) паста за зъби (па́ста за зъ́би - pásta za zŭ́bi)
comb in Bulgarian(M) гребен (гре́бен - grében)
shampoo in Bulgarian(M) шампоан (шампоа́н - shampoán)
sunscreen in Bulgarian(M) слънцезащитен крем (слънцезащи́тен крем - slŭntsezashtíten krem)
razor in Bulgarian(M) бръснач (бръсна́ч - brŭsnách)
condom in Bulgarian(M) презерватив (презервати́в - prezervatív)
shower gel in Bulgarian(M) душ гел (душ гел - dush gel)
lip balm in Bulgarian(M) балсам за устни (балса́м за у́стни - balsám za ústni)
perfume in Bulgarian(M) парфюм (парфю́м - parfyúm)
panty liner in Bulgarian(PL) ежедневни превръзки (ежедне́вни превръ́зки - ezhednévni prevrŭ́zki)
lipstick in Bulgarian(N) червило (черви́ло - chervílo)

Shopping in Bulgarian

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Bulgarian Vocabulary Books

Learn Bulgarian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

Learn Bulgarian - Quick / Easy / Efficient

This vocabulary book is a curated Bulgarian word frequency list with 2000 of the most common Bulgarian words and phrases. Following the Pareto principle (80/20 rule), this book is built to streamline the learning process by concentrating on the core words and sentence structures. The result is a unique book ideal for driven learners and language hackers.
Bulgarian Vocabulary Book

Bulgarian Vocabulary Book

This Bulgarian vocabulary book contains more than 3000 words and phrases and is organized by topic to make it easier for you to pick what to learn first. It is well suited for learners of all levels who are looking for an extensive resource to improve their vocabulary or are interested in learning vocabularies in one particular area of interest.

Bulgarian Flashcards


Bulgarian Flashcards Online

On our partner platform Flashcardo you can find Bulgarian flashcards to practice online for free ordered by topics and frequency of use, similar to our two vocabulary books above.

Printable Bulgarian Flashcards

With this downloadable product you get all Bulgarian flashcards available on in various formats for you to use. In detail you get 1 EPUB ebook, 2 PDF vocabulary lists and 8 printable flashcard PDFs.

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